We are living in the era of digital transformation. Computers are rapidly becoming the most important tool for companies, science, society, and indeed our everyday life. We all need a basic understanding of Computer Science to make sense of the world, to make decisions, and to improve our lives.
Yet there are many misunderstandings about Computer Science. The reason is that it is a nascent discipline that has evolved rapidly and had to reinvent itself several times over the last 100 years - from the beginnings of scientific computing to the modern era of smartphones and the cloud.
This book gives an intuitive introduction to the foundations and main concepts of Computer Science. It describes the basic ideas of solving problems with algorithms, modern data-driven approaches, and artificial intelligence (AI). It also provides many examples that require no background in technology.
This book is directed toward teenagers who may wonder whether they should major in Computer Science, though it will also appeal to anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the art of Computer Science and modern information technology. Of course, not everyone must become a computer expert, but everyone should take advantage of and understand the innovations and advances of modern technology.