Rhona Rapoport is director of the Institute of Family and Environmental Research in London. She is the author or coauthor of numerous books including Dual Career Families; Fathers, Mothers and Society; Leisure and the Family Cycle; and Men and Women as Equals at Work.
Lotte Bailyn is the T. Wilson Professor of Management at the Sloan School
of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is the author
of Breaking the Mold and Living with Technology and coauthor of Working with
Joyce K. Fletcher is professor of management at the Center for Gender in
Organizations, Simmons Graduate School of Management, in Boston, and a senior
research scholar at the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at Wellesley
College Centers for Women. She is the author of Disappearing Acts, which was nominated as one of the year's best management books by the Academy of Management.
Bettye H. Pruitt is president of Pruitt & Company, Inc. She is the author of numerous articles and books in organizational history including Timken: From Missouri to Mars.