The emergency department is a place of challenging ethical dilemmas and little time and resources to solve them. Ethical Dilemmas in Emergency Medicine provides invaluable information, perspectives, and solutions to common ethical dilemmas in emergency medicine. It addresses important topics seen in the emergency department, including medicolegal issues, triage, privacy and confidentiality, social media, difficult patients, minors, research, patient safety, disasters, suicide, and end of life issues. The accompanying educational modules provide a unique educational opportunity for resident and staff education on ethical issues in emergency medicine. Featuring twenty-three case-based discussions of ethical dilemmas in emergency medicine along with numerous multimedia resources, including media presentations, case based discussions, and multiple choice questions, this book is an invaluable resource for residents in training as well as practicing physicians.
1. Principles of medical ethics Kenneth V. Iserson; 2. Law and ethics Arthur R. Derse; 3. Triage of emergency patients Joel M. Geiderman; 4. Privacy, confidentiality and public health reporting Joy Hardison; 5. Social media and electronic communications Diane Gorgas, Jillian McGrath and Lydia Sahlani; 6. Multiculturalism and 'cultural competency' Kelly Bookman; 7. Informed consent Leslie R. Vojta and James E. Brown; 8. Against medical advice, refusal of care, and informed consent Jeremy R. Simon; 9. Care of minors Sarah C. Cavallaro and Jill M. Baren; 10. The difficult patient Jay M. Brenner and Javad T. Hashmi; 11. Law enforcement in the emergency department Eileen F. Baker; 12. Research ethics Lauren M. Sauer, Richard E. Rothman and Gabor D. Kelen; 13. Conflicts of interest Erika Newton and Adam J. Singer; 14. Medical errors and patient safety John C. Moskop; 15. Expert witness testimony Robert C. Solomon; 16. Values and responsibilities in professional practice Gregory L. Henry and Kartik Rao; 17. The ethics of disasters Paul P. Rega; 18. Stewardship of health care resources Shellie Asher; 19. Education in emergency medicine Walter Limehouse and Catherine A. Marco; 20. Suicide attempts Jennifer Nelson and Arvind Venkat; 21. Geriatric emergency medicine V. Ramana Feeser; 22. Palliative medicine Tammie E. Quest; 23. End of life care Monica Williams-Murphy.